Middle Class Starting Wardrobe and Accessories

Typical Middle Class Wardrobe = Solicitor, Law Clerk, Mid level Bureaucrat, Professional

Item £/S/d
1 overcoat 1/15/0
1 hat, work/day to day -/2/6
1 hat, Sunday -/2/6
1 hat, dress -/2/6
4 week-day work suit with waistcoat 4/0/0
2 Sunday suit with waistcoat 5/0/0
4 pair socks -/3/8
2 pair boots -/10/6
2 pair dress shoes -/6/4
2 Combination (Union Suit) -/7/8
6 Underwear, Summer Weight Cotton, shirt and drawers -/12/6
2 Nightshirt, quality muslin, breast pocket -/6/2
4 flannel shirt -/6/0
7 cotton shirts -/12/0
8 collar -/4/-
8 pair cuffs -/5/4
2 collar, buttons -/0/2
2 pair braces (suspenders) -/4/4
Belt, Leather, 2” wide -/1/0
6 tie, bow or other type -/8/0
Umbrella, black taffetta, crook handle 0/8/2
Walking stick, wood with silver fittings 2/1/3
Calling Card Case, crocodile leather 0/15/9
Total value
