Starting Wealth

As with most things in Victorian England, a character’s starting wealth is reflective of their Social Class.  In general terms starting wealth is Discretionary Income (What is left AFTER expenses are paid.)

In addition to these funds each character will start with a wardrobe.  Typically a Work Day set of clothes and a ‘Sunday Best’ set.  Bear in mind that the quality, style and condition of the clothes is not going to be the same for a member of the Working Class versus those of the Middle Class and especially the Upper Middle Class.

Additionally each character may select a number of Accessory Items from their Social Class Accessory List.  These items represent things that the character has accumulated in life to date.  Purchases, gifts, inheritances, found, stolen, won, etc.

Starting Funds and Income By Social Level

Social Level Income Category Starting Funds Income (per week) Accessory Items (pick)
Upper Middle Class Well Off £2d10/-/- £3/-/- 12
Middle Class Moderate £2d6/2d6/- £2/2/- 10
Working Class Moderate £1-2/2d6/1d6 7s 4

Reading the Starting Wealth Chart
Throughout Victorian Dreadful money is recorded as Pounds/Shillings/Pence  with the abbreviations of £ for Pounds  s or S for Shillings and d or D for Pence.  So, £/S/D  Thus 5/6/2 is read as 5 pounds 6 shillings 3 pence.  In the case of the starting wealth, £d10/2d6/-  is 1D10 die roll of £ and 2D6 dice worth or shillings with no pence.  And £2-3/ d10/1d10 is 1 or 2 pounds and a 1D10 die of shillings and a 1D10 die of pence.


Upper Middle Class Starting Wardrobe and Accessories

Middle Class Starting Wardrobe and Accessories


Working Class Starting Wardrobe and Accessories